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UPDATE: Guilford County Board of Elections, Polling Site Removal

On July 11, 2014, the Beloved Community Center released information that the Guilford County Board of Elections would be discussing removing North Carolina A&T State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro as polling sites. 

Although a large number of students and community members appeared at the board meeting to protest the decision, the Board of Elections stated that no proposal had been made in regards to removing the two universities as polling sites. 


Meet the Guilford County NAACP Moral Freedom Summer Organizer!

Holden Cession is a native North Carolinian from Rural Hall, a small town outside of Winston-Salem. After graduating high school they attended The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Women’s and Gender Studies in the spring of 2014. They became involved in community organizing and social justice work while they were a student through their involvement in the Mentoring Ourselves Raising Each Other Collective (M.O.R.E.) and the Queer People of Color Collective (QPOCC). In Holden’s senior year they interned at Guilford College with the Bayard Rustin Center for LGBTQA Activism, Education, and Reconciliation. During their time at the Bayard Rustin Center they co-created the North Carolina LGBTQ College Consortium and co-organized the 3rd Annual Bayard Rustin Symposium at Guilford College. They are currently a NC NAACP Moral Freedom Summer Organizer for Guilford County. Holden enjoys engaging in conversations around queer and transgender identities in communities of color and communities of faith. Their aim is to spread awareness about the intersectionality of identities in order to build a stronger fusion movement. 

Guilford County Board of Elections Could Remove A&T and UNCG as Polling Sites

Today, the Guilford County Board of Elections will plan to remove North Carolina A&T State University and the University of North Carolina Greensboro as polling sites. 

This decision would affect not only the college's students, but surrounding communities as well. 

Beloved Community Center, the Greensboro Branch of the NAACP, and the Youth and College Division of the North Carolina NAACP will be attending the Board of Elections meeting in protest and in hopes of discouraging the committee members to make the decision of removing the polling sites from the college campuses. 

The meeting will convene at 301 West Market Street, and will begin at 2pm. 

For more information, contact Beloved Community Center at (336) 230-0001. 

BCC Intern travels to California!


Beloved Community Center's Communications Intern, Laci Ollison, recently traveled on full scholarship to San Francisco, California to attend the Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference. 

The conference is the largest and most attended investigative journalism conference, with attendees from every state of the United States, and over 17 countries. 

Laci not only had the opportunity to network with other journalists, but learned many skills that will be helpful throughout her career as well as aid in the work that she is doing here at the Beloved Community Center.